Youth Leadership on Sustainable Development Goals (Feb 7-10, 2018)

Why was the camp important?
-Without the camp, the 11 Chinese youths would always think of themselves as a self-center and engage in too academic classes to compete their friends and did not care others. Being closed to the nature and with friends in different cultures can open their mindset and urge critical thinking, team building, communication skills, problem solving, leadership, passion and goal achievement.
11 Chinese and  11Thai youths of 11-15 years old

What did they learn?
- Sustainable Development Goals
-Self identity and team building
-Inclusive and embrace diversity
-Critical thinking and analytical skills
-Building up supporting network and individual plan

What were out door activities ?
- How to do a research-Community visit research? visit(traditional performance,inclusive classroom)
   3.temple visit ---> livelihood

-Learning from local wisdom: eco-agriculture practice
farming and eco soap

-Oh My goat --> feeding goats and herb journey
-Cook Northern Thai food (Banana leaf dessert)
 water exploration

school visit

Ice breaking

planting lettuce

Making eco-soap from charcoal, butterfly pea, milk, papaya and prai (local herb).

Oh My Goat: feeding goats and exploring herbs

Streamed sticky rice with banana ( Northern Thai dessert)

Camp fire

Global Youth Tie: 
Zuatao (Global Youth Ties from China)

 Sara ( Mekong School lecturer) from USA.
Taew ( Punsaeng House) from Thailand


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